Tuesday 9 April 2013

Fat Bergs

Occasionally, a news item comes to the fore which demands my attention. Yesterday came a case in point. Before news broke of Lady Thatcher's death, a small news item appeared on the Today programme. Seemingly, a company in Essex has built a processing plant with the aim of burning off fat. My initial thought was that this new processing plant was an allegory for what our bodies are naturally geared to do.

But where was this fat going to come from? Apparently, the sewer system beneath London becomes periodically clogged up with large lumps of fat - fat bergs. People dispose of all sorts of unmentionables down their drains and it all comes together to ultimately block the drainage system. The parallels with our arteries are compelling. The news presenter said what a pity it was that the man from the sewer network hadn't managed to bring a piece with him so that they could see what it looked like. The man replied in a very matter-of-fact sort of way that they wouldn't have liked that because "it would have caused a heck of a stink". The other presenter sought to rescue his colleague by suggesting that other items from our sewage system must inevitably adhere to the fat bergs. Quite.

In an age where we must seek to do what we can to make the most of what we have, I thought this an inspired idea. As they say, where there's muck, there's brass...

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