Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Graceful Aspiration

Last week I wrote in detail regarding the over reaction of Ed Milliband to articles in the Daily Mail. I repeat that we have a free press in this country. As such, we are all at liberty to read or ignore publications as we see fit. That goes for Mr. Milliband too. Granted, the articles in the Mail may have been contentious but that is what a free press does. It is not for politicians to become embroiled in the tittle tattle of the Press when matters of national importance go unattended.

The decision of David Cameron to enter the fray regarding police behaviour in the "Pleb" saga is a case in point. This is political mischief making pure and simple. There is a Commons committee before which the relevant parties will be summoned in due course to give their version of events. As things stand, they will need to pull a few white rabbits out of the hat because the evidence against them looks overwhelming.

Politicians demanding apologies by proxy is not the way to go. Politicians, as I have said many times before, should concern themselves only with the affairs of State. I do think that the recent police action in the case of Andrew Mitchell is a matter of State. That said, there is a committee whose job is to get to the bottom of the story. As such, it does not merit the intervention of the Prime Minister. Aside form anything else, he risks prejudicing proceedings. He should know better and is very well aware of the potential impact of his actions. It is difficult to recall a time in British Political history when more mud was being thrown. This does not reflect well on our country and brings in to the spotlight once more the behaviour of elected MPs. They have a job to do and would do well to remember that. An arbiter elegantiarum they are not. Theirs is not the moral high ground as evidenced by their activity in the expenses saga. People do remember such indiscretions and don't take kindly to them sitting in judgment on others when their own behaviour has been so palpably wanting.

Perhaps in 2015, the Britsh electorate might demand an apology from Milliband, Cameron et al for abnegation of duty? Due to the selective hearing of the polical elite, I suspect that might fall on deaf ears though.

For the record, it looks as though the police defence is going to revolve around them objecting to being secretly taped by Mr. Mitchell when he agreed to be interviewed by them. Well, what's good for the goose is good for the gander and they simply can't have it both ways. There is a cultural problem at present which we desperately need to rid ourselves of. Time and again I see people happily throwing mud at their opponents irrespective of its factual basis safe in the knowledge that there will be no comeback to themselves. Its time we aspired to conduct ourselves with a little more good grace. In his novel "The Water Babies", Charles Kingsley created the wonderful character "Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid". Perhaps its time she was held up as ideal because our politicians clearly need help.

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