Friday, 10 January 2014

A fait accompli in Rhyl?

The Machiavellian workings of Denbighshire County Council once more reared their ugly head today when plans were announced for a £10 million Aquatic Centre to replace the existing Sun Centre. Clwyd Leisure is the not-for-profit organisation which has been charged with running the Sun Centre with their funding slashed over the the last three years. In Council parlance, this translates to poor management at Clwyd Leisure. Convenient.

Putting aside the obvious hypocrisy of saying on the one hand that the Sun Centre must now make do with less money and then announcing a proposed £10million Aquatic Centre, the plans also include retaining the existing Sky Tower. This encroaches on pure comedy because the Rhyl Sky Tower has a "doughnut" designed to house people who can be elevated to the top of the tower to enjoy the view. That would be great if it actually worked. It is argued that the Sky Tower will augment the skyline for tourists visiting Rhyl. It will certainly generate conversation: "What's that tall structure?". "It's the Sky Tower". "What does it do". "Nothing". "Oh".

Given that the land where the Aquatic Centre is planned was previously subject to flooding, the Council has reached new heights this time. Meanwhile, if we meander along the front toward the Foryd foot bridge built at the small cost of £4.3 million, we find desolation. The site of the previous fun fair remains an eye sore and would be the only logical location for a project such as the Aquatic Centre - if indeed there was the demand. Not content with seeking to demolish the Sun Centre, the Council also aims to shut Rhyl Leisure Centre. If they funded the existing Sun Centre properly in the first place, this wouldn't even be under discussion. But this is now becoming a familiar tune. The Council has a hidden agenda and nothing is going to get in their way.

We saw this recently with their plans to close St. Brigids School in Denbigh. For the time being, the Council has been rebuffed but they will sit and wait for the protestors to simmer down before proceeding as they originally intended. A lion knows that if he waits until his prey is exhausted, the kill will be all the more easy.

I don't hear the Council making suggestions for the Children's Village but then I'm not surprised. The biggest waste of money in my lifetime would make the Council look stupid if they faced the music and closed it down. They don't need anybody's help to make them look stupid and are excelling given today's announcement. In the White Rose Centre, there is no toilet facility. In the Children's Village, you have to pay to use the toilet. The plans today for this wonderful Aquatic Centre make no mention of toilets but then that would be asking too much wouldn't it? How will the provision of toilet's impact on tourism? We all know the answer but the Council seems quite oblivious. If there is a facebook protest group, please send me the details and I'll join immediately. I, for one, will not make it easy for them to operate in this way.  

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