Saturday 24 April 2010

The route to success

With the election looming in less than a fortnight and the three main parties separable only by a cigarette paper, it would be easy to imagine a hung parliament as being the most likely outcome. I would have been inclined to go along with such a forecast - until today. Today, it has been announced that Gordon Brown will henceforth assume a more vocal role in proceedings. This is the best Christmas present ever for the Conservatives and the worst possible news for the Cleggsters. Until now, the puppeteers at Labour HQ have succeeded admirably in deftly steering Gordon out of the way knowing full well the depth of public loathing for him. However, you can't keep a despot down and especially when his hunger for power is on a par with Gordon. What I don't understand is this: They recognise that electorally Gordon is a disaster and a liability and yet they fight tooth and nail to keep him as leader. Were they able to get away with it, I have absolutely no doubt that Labour would have Mandelson in the live TV debates instead of Gordon.

As I write the average of all the current polls points to a Tory lead over Labour of approximately five percentage points. The more public efforts of Gordon will make all the difference and push the Tories to the eight or so points which they will need to form a majority government. Also, I sense that the novelty of the TV debates is already on the wane. More pertinently, people seem to be coming around to the reality. Labour are finished. The Liberals can't win a majority. There is only Hobson's choice left and evrything now points towards it. I can't believe that a Party can have a majority the size of the Tories in the past two years and not get elected. The romance of Clegg has been an exciting addition to this election but it will not affect the inevitable conclusion.

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